Hey, Phil here once again! Unlike last time we're doing this update pretty much right after the last one as we still have gas in the tank and we're having a lot of fun. We are starting the Medieval Era and we're both looking to expand our empires and build up our science. I don't think there's any reason to waste any time so let's jump right in!
The Medieval Era (Turn 99-)
Still can't believe I'm in a Dark Age by one point! Oh well, it's not that big of a deal. Also, the Portuguese have been converting me to Catholicism, which I guess I'm fairly ambivalent about.
Simmie has been marking down several tundra cities she wants to settle and some warmer southern ones too. I guess she's really serious about expanding this turn!
With her Dance of the Aurora and Ley Lines, Simmie really is building a lot of plus 7, 8, or even 9 holy sites! That's going to be a lot of production, especially when she gets Theology.
On Turn 105 Simmie built a Silver Industry and she'll have the ability to build a silk industry as well before long.
On Turn 107 I unlock Feudalism, which is huge as I'm going to be able to improve my empire at a faster rate than ever! Oh, and if I said there were no other Ley Line people I was mistaken; Simmie has Australia as a brethren. Speaking of secret societies, Simmie just unlocked the ability to create the Alchemical Society for her campuses.
And on Turn 110 Simmie was able to plug in the Scripture policy which doubles her faith and production bonuses from holy sites!
By Turn 119 I noticed that Portugal settled a city along the river that I wanted, meaning there's only room to put one more city on that river. A little annoying, but not fatal.
On Turn 122 Simmie found she could build the Temple of Artemis in 8 turns in a tiny city due to work ethic bonuses, so she's going for it! Not to mention she just built a Pearls Industry, she's going nuts this round!
Almost as if in divine retribution, a MEGA blizzard appeared in the borderlands between her and Korea. Depending on which way the storm blows this could be devastating for Simmie!
Simmie really lucked out; the storm blew east and slammed Korea! It did wreck a lot of stuff in one of Simmie's newer cities on the way out, though.
I have to say, even with Simmie's massive production and city advantage, I am outpacing her in both science and culture! Hopefully I can leverage this into other advantages further on. Also, I want to point out that I added an Olives Industry, so I'm catching up in that too!
Simmie also started work on Mahabodhi Temple, it's just 11 turns in her capital! She also started production on a plus 5 campus, perfectly nestled into some mountains, so that might help her catch up to me in science. Don't think it will be enough on it's own though!
Korea denounced Simmie again because she just can't help but settle next to them! Her money's also been dipping. She's going to have to work on commercial zones if she wants to stabilize that! But still, somehow, she managed to get a great merchant on Turn 126. I think it has to be overflow Great Prophet points or something. She's also generating Artist, Writer, and Musician points.
I must be getting tired. I haven't made any alliances yet even though I've been able to for ages! Well, I went and made an Economic alliance with America, a Research alliance with Portugal, and a Cultural alliance with Korea. Sorry Simmie, no alliance for you!
On Turn 129 we hit the countdown for the next era. I can't believe it, I'm going to be in another dark age unless I get 5 era score! Simmie has already secured a normal age, but I doubt she'll get the 13 points she'll need to hit another golden age.
Simmie may have finished her plus 5 campus, but I have a plus 6 campus site nestled into the mountains near a geothermal vent! Sadly I'm not going to be able to build it until the next era.
On Turn 131 Simmie finished building the Temple of Artemis! It was delayed a few turns because of the storm, but he got it.
And on Turn 135 Simmie finished the Mahabodhi Temple, and I can't believe it but she's one era score off another gold. She's going to get it too, as the temple gives her two prophets which she will use to reform her religion.
Simmie used her reform to grab Gurdwaras for the extra food, which is reasonable in her tundra cities. She also got Defender of the Faith, purely so she would have an advantage if she ever had to fight Korea (a lot of the good ones like tithe and interfaith dialogue were not available) And thus Simmie has captured a golden age yet again. This girl is crazy!
Simmie is also throwing down a plus four industrial zone in her capital. The ley lines really are helping her. She has also barely eeked ahead of me in science. This cannot stand!
I finally settled that second eastern river city and in doing so secured myself a normal age. Not golden, but hey, I'll take it.
I uncovered niter and it turns out I don't have any. Like, not even close. Best I can hope for is trades or a city state ally to provide it for me!
And now on Turn 139 the Medieval Era comes to an end and the Rennaissance Starts. I don't have many good options here but I picked Monumentality because at least I'll be building districts. As for Simmie of course she got another Golden Age. She picked Monumentality again so she can finish up her expansion and buy a bunch of worrkers. She only needs three more settlers before she can claim every scrap of land she has access to, and then she'll be able to buy builders and traders to her heart's content.
Stats at the end of the Medieval Era:
Phil (Wilhelmina of the Netherlands):
Cities: 7 (+3)
Citizens: 31 (+16)
Science: 62 (+42)
Techs Researched: 24 (+9)
Culture: 40 (+21)
Faith: 12 (+6)
Gold: 53 (+44)
Highest Producing City: 16 (+4)
Simmie (Jadwiga of Poland):
Cities: 12 (+7)
Citizens: 47 (+32)
Science: 67 (+45)
Techs Researched: 22 (+8)
Culture: 24 (+18)
Faith: 159 (+126)
Gold: 41 (+0)
Highest Producing City: 39 (+17)
Simmie is doing fantastically once again; her growth in this era was unbelievable, spurred on by her early investment into faith. And it's not just quantity of cities; her inner cities are already becoming quite developed. As for me, production remains an issue, but I have arguably better terrain for development, and having Portugal so close as an ally and trade partner is going to help me greatly. I've also managed to keep a consistent leg up on Simmie in techs researched and especially culture; this might give me an advantage in the time of spies, which is rapidly coming up.
We're both still having tremendous amounts of fun with this game! Simmie will take over again narrating the Rennaissance Era, so I'll see you again once we get to the Industrial Era!